[Zope3-dev] Re: Use case not covered for translation of message ids

Godefroid Chapelle gotcha at bubblenet.be
Tue Sep 28 11:26:43 EDT 2004

Stephan Richter wrote:


> So in other applications making something a message id translates 
> immediately. Maybe this is the reason it feels so natural for Godefroid and 
> Martijn to think about automatic translation. I like Zope 3's idiom though, 
> which separates the declaration of something being translatable and actually 
> translating something.

I am all for this separation, I am just pleading for no need of explicit 
use of i18n:translate when the engine actually decides to translate !
> Regards,
> Stephan

Godefroid Chapelle (aka __gotcha)                http://bubblenet.be

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