AW: [Zope3-dev] Removing I18nFile and I18nImage from X3.0
dev at
dev at
Thu Sep 30 11:01:05 EDT 2004
Jim Fulton wrote:
> Betreff: Re: [Zope3-dev] Removing I18nFile and I18nImage from X3.0
> Stephan Richter wrote:
> > On Thursday 30 September 2004 06:17, Jim Fulton wrote:
> >
> >>I think it would be very worth while to think about how to
> >>internationalize meta data. The advantage of coming up with a
> >>mechanism for internationalizing meta data is that it bebefits all
> >>content.
> >
> >
> > I agree. Providing a good mechanism to do this would be generally
> > useful and
> > not be application specific. I have a strange feeling that
> the language will
> > eventually become accessible via a thread global -- or can
> I already get to
> > it via the participation? Note that if this were the case,
> our translation
> > system would behave much more like simple applications.
> It occurred to me, after writing that, that in some
> approaches, notably LinguaPlone, separate content objects are
> used for separate translations, in which case, they'd each
> have their own meta data, presumably in their own locale.
> Jim
Yes, sometimes a good solution.
It's also a common usecase that not every content is
available and translated and you have a smaller content
structure in a additional language then in the mother
language. Then you have to provide a separate content
structure for different languages.
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