[Zope3-dev] Zope X3.1 Feature Freeze

Lennart Regebro regebro at nuxeo.com
Fri Mar 18 09:47:12 EST 2005

Roger Ineichen wrote:
> What does this mean? Do we have to run tests for Zope 2.8
> if we develope on the z3 trunk? 

Of course not.

> I'm not really happy to take care on zope 2.8
> and future releases of Zope2 since we don't have finshed
> the Zope3 core development.

X3.0.0 is released. Zope3 core development is finished by any reasonable 
definition. ;) That doesn't mean it can't be *improved*, of course. But 
it is finished.

> Perhaps this doesn't affect the Zope 2.8 work.

No it doesn't.

> But then, it whould be nice if somebody can make a statement
> which packages are used form Zope 2.8 and what's the target!

It's to enable a transition path from Zope2 to Zope3. If we don't have 
that, nobody will ever make the switch. I'm sure somebody can say 
something official about that. ;)

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