[Zope3-dev] RE: Rotterdam bugfix

Roger Ineichen dev at projekt01.ch
Tue Mar 22 10:54:39 EST 2005

Hi Tonico

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tonico Strasser [mailto:contact_tonico at yahoo.de] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 4:00 PM
> To: dev at projekt01.ch
> Subject: Re: Rotterdam bugfix
> Hi Roger,
> from my understanding, the statement "The target is, that the 
> Rotterdam 
> skin works in any browser on any system." is contradictiory to 
> "Accesibility and other reqiuierments are out of scope right now."

I mean the skin should working without bugs and be visible 
for seeing people (not blind people). With accesibility I mean
it's not requiered, that the Rotterdam skin is build for blind

All of my work was just done for the next 3.1 release.

I like to see after the release at tleast three skins:

- New skin which should replace the Rotterdam skin and offer
  user preferences and nested menus.
  This skin should use some new techhnologies and the target
  whould be develeopers.

- A site visitor skin should show how we can build additional
  presentation layers without any ZMI elements.

  This skin should fit for all relevant accesibility 
  requierments. But that's up to somebody else. I don't have the
  skills and time to bring it there. Perhpas Tonico can help.

  At least I add a minimal presentation skin where is used as the
  default preview skin int the new management skin. 

- And there shold be a old browser supporting skin. Perhaps this
  could be the Rotterdam skin some improvments.

> If you want, I can propose a list of supported Browsers for the 
> Rotterdam Skin.

Ok, propose this list and we can discusse. 
But this has to be now, since we make a feature freez at the 1. April.

Roger Ineichen

> Tonico

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