[Zope3-dev] lxml / elementtre inclusion

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Fri May 6 11:21:58 EDT 2005

Martijn Faassen wrote:

> If someone that is not interested in Zope 3 in the first place wrote a 
> Python library we'd like to include, the relicensing hurdle will be 
> larger, though. What's to be done with Twisted integration, for instance?
> Relying on new external libraries with the core of Zope 3 will always be 
> a big step. Then again, I also think that this way large amount of new 
> features can be made available to Zope 3 without us having to reinvent 
> wheels. It makes Zope 3 a more open platform. Perhaps the procedure for 
> adopting externally written code should be spelled out. There are quite 
> a few shapes this could take (external library, included in Zope 3 
> tree), and right now it seems nobody but Jim knows what is required, or 
> whether such inclusion is allowable at all in the first place.

We can and often do include 3rd-party non-ZPL software.  So it is certainly

Currently, I'd prefer that ZC employees check such 3rd-party code in.
The current system isn't great, but I can't think of a better one.

In any case, I hope to address this in the future by defining a Zope
core that is much smaller and making it much easier to add 3rd-party
packages to an installed base Zope or, perhaps, make it easier to
assemble Zope distributions by combining the core with 3rd-party
add-ons for convenience.  Obviously, the prototyping we've done
with zpkgtools is aimed at this.

I do think, however, that XML facilities of the sort offered by lxml
now, or in the future, should be a core feature of Zope 3, if or
no other reason than so we can use them in tests. :)


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at zope.com       Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714            http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation     http://www.zope.com       http://www.zope.org

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