[Zope3-dev] One namespace for ZCML

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Mon Feb 13 12:13:12 EST 2006

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> Yet again looking for comments, this time at:
> http://dev.zope.org/Zope3/OneNamespaceForZCML.


Prefixing 'browser' directives in the tag names to me is a big warning 
bell that you really do want to use different namespaces. Another 
example of the namespace mechanism working is that some people are using 
it in their projects, adding namespaces specific to their project. It'd 
feel ugly to me if I had to insert my own configuration directives into 

Finally, a general use of programming should be to use the language's 
namespace directive instead of prefixes, if the language does offer an 
effective namespace directive.

So, please don't try to fix this now. Work on reducing the complexity of 
existing directives first, and work on deprecating directives. Then 
reconsider this one.

Perhaps after this other step, matters will be clearer. I suspect quite 
a few of the directives that can go away are in the 'small' namespaces, 
such as mail. We may also want to move some directives to other 
namespaces. If all directives disappear from a namespace, so can the 
namespace. The potential for win can be much larger while the potential 
for breakage is much smaller, as we can do this step by step.

I really think that the discussion on namespaces is so common not 
because it's so important, but because it's an easy thing to comment on 
and talk about. People are less likely to have huge discussions about 
larger but harder to understand issues.

In the spirit of that, I will next talk about your proposal to remove 
specific ZCML directives.



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