[Zope3-dev] visions, brands and roadmaps in the sand

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 14:39:54 EST 2006

I'm so confused by all the names and stuff that I find it hard to
answer to what somebody is saying, so I will just state *my* vision of
the future.


1. Zope2 uses more and more of Zope3s technologies. Anything that can
be merged gets merged. That means security, pagetemplates and the
publisher, and maybe more. Basically, we want to strip Zope2 as much
as possible, until Zope2 basically runs "on top" of Zope3. This also
includes making sure that a Zope3 product can continue to run on
Zope3, even when Zope2 also runs there. I.e, we get to a situation,
where you can run Zope3 products unmodified in Zope2.

2. Zope3 may also get slightly streamlined, so that Zope3 is what is
needed to run Zope2 but not more. That means that Zope3 would lose the

3. We start rewriting CMF tools as Zope3 utilities, with the CMF tools
as a thin BBB layer (that may finally disappear). This becomes the
basis for the ECM "toolkit" for Zope3.

4. We develop TTW development tools for Zope3. I think me and Jim both
agree we should have these. I think me and Jim has a completely
different vision of what they should be. :)

This, as far as I can see, is compatible with 99% of the visions we
have discussed here, and it will keep us busy for a year. :-)


I can see the point in separating out the non-webby parts of Zope3 to
gear it towards people who don't want a big applictaion server. And,
to be honest, if I did anything in python today, I'd want to use teh
component architecture, even though what I do didn't touch the web.
I'm not sure we want to name it Z but i'm not completely opposed
either. But I prefer Zope Component Architecture.

I am opposed to renaming Zope 3. It seems to me that the renaming of
Zope3 is suggested for three reasons:

1. "It makes Plone look bad by not running on the latest version of Zope."
I honestly couldn't care less. Sorry.

2. "Python people doesn't like things called Zope".
Well, Zope3 was heavily geared towards making Zope pythonic. What has
the answer from the Python-crowd been? "Eeew, you are using XML!".
Honestly, I don't think renaming Zope3 will suddenly make the
python-crowd go "Oh, cool, you use XML!" I could be wrong, but that's
what I think.

3. "There is not enough hype!"
You don't need to rename Zope3 to hype it.

I think renaming will mean we loose a brand, and we make people
confused, and we need to change a whole lot of code. :) It doesn't
seem worth it.

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