[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Two visions

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Fri Mar 3 10:17:39 EST 2006

On Mar 3, 2006, at 3:08 AM, Max M wrote:
> Splitting up Zope to let people use seperate pieces of Zope aka Zed  
> is not a valid reason. Good software practise is a valid reason.  
> But catering for those few developers that wants to use just a few  
> pieces is probably not worth the effort.

Here's one of the reasons I want good packaging:  I'd like to  
continue using Zope-the-technology even if the Zope-the-brand loses  
all recognition.   Whether in the future I'm working on  
DjangoRailsGears 3.0 or Zope3006 or Plone-NG, I'd like to be able to  
carry the various bits of technology that make up Zope around with me  
reasonably easily and run it under different Python platforms.  I say  
this with my cynical and Zope-bigoted "consultant" hat on.  There.  I  
said it. ;-)

- C

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