[Zope3-dev] RFC: Use ConfigParser for High-Level Configuration

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Tue Mar 14 06:29:09 EST 2006

--On 14. März 2006 06:23:33 -0500 Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com> wrote:
> Budding in:
> It would be nice to be able to use Zope schema for
> conversion and validation.  ZConfig was developed at
> around the same time as Zope schema.  The ZConfig developers
> fealt they couldn't wait and reuse the work on zope.schema.
> and developed their own schema  system.  It sucks to have
> to maintain 2.  It's also a pain for people who might want
> to use ZConfig's to have to figure out another.  ZConfig
> obviously "fits your brain". It doesn't fit mine at all.

Could you please explain how zope.schema would deal with hierarchies?
As I mentioned earlier the file format is uninteresting at this point.
Having an easy and flexible framework for defining a configuration schema
should be the goal and I have currently no idea how you would define
some more complex configuration schemas using zope.schema.


   -   Andreas Jung            ZOPYX Ltd. & Co KG                        -
  -   E-mail: info at zopyx.com   Web: www.zopyx.com, www.zopyx.de         -
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