[Zope3-dev] Re: what is ZCML?

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Wed Mar 15 16:10:46 EST 2006

Tres Seaver wrote:
> Developers who are the only admins for the sites they deploy are *not*
> representative of the intended audience for ZCML;  they are much more
> comfortable with "back to Python" as a solution than more traditional
> admins / integrators would be.  "Big" directives, with clearly
> documented knobs for specifying policies, are likely to appeal more to
> folks who are *not* inclined to write Python.
> The fact that such developer-admins are the primary users of ZCML so far
> is due to the small size of the Zope3 market to date.

I'm in an environment right now that has a strong separation between the 
developers and the systems administrators.  The admins do not touch 
anything as deep as ZCML.  They might touch ZConfig files, but only 
lightly.  I doubt I could trust the current ZCML to someone without 
programming skills.


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