[Zope3-dev] Choice field missing too ? Was: [Zope3-Users] question:
can I make a view trusted: A BUG
Andreas Elvers
andreas at work.de
Tue Mar 21 08:09:30 EST 2006
there is already a collector entry for the bug below, but I think the
ChoiceField has the same issue.
I too encountered a ForbiddenAttribute while accessing the title
attribute of a ChoiceField.
Adding the code below to fields.zcml with the corresponding changes did
the trick. The error went away.
I added to zope.app.schema.fields.zcml:
<content class="zope.schema.Choice">
title="Choice Field"
description="Choice Field" />
<require like_class="zope.schema.Field" />
- Andreas
> Ok everyone: it is a zope bug.
> The following should be included in zope.app.schema.fields.zcml:
> <content class="zope.schema.Date">
> <factory
> id="zope.schema.Date"
> title="Date Field"
> description="Date Field" />
> <require like_class="zope.schema.Orderable" />
> <require like_class="zope.schema.Field" />
> </content>
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