[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.4.0a1 released

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Thu Apr 19 09:28:30 EDT 2007

Does it make sense to tag and release 3.4.0a1 eggs now? I would say so.

I think we should

* tag each individual project
* update the svn:external on each project to point to the 3.4.0a1 tag of
   the Zope3 tree
* update each project's setup.py
* create an egg
* upload an egg

Martin Aspeli provided a script based upon which we can probably 
automate a lot of those steps. I'm willing to look into this, if the 
consensus is to ahead with this. Note that according to setuptool's 
version semantics, '3.4.0a1' is a more recent version than '3.4dev':

   >>> from pkg_resources import parse_version as v
   >>> v('3.4.0a1') > v('3.4dev')

That means easy_install will consider the alpha eggs more recent than 
any dev egg, which seems logical.

Oh, and I'll need upload rights to download.zope.org :).

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