[Zope3-dev] Re: copied doctest in z3.zope3recipes for Windows support

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Thu Aug 16 09:33:19 EDT 2007

Christian Theune wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 16.08.2007, 09:02 -0400 schrieb Benji York:
>> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>> These are all the changes in the test code I can detect. It therefore 
>>> seems quite feasible to merge them into a single test again, if at least 
>>> we can work out the buildout output differences.
>> +1
>> It may be possible through the use of a normalizer and different setup 
>> code for the different platforms to unify the two tests.  I personally 
>> would prefer to not see conditionals in the doctest itself.
> +1 too. I suspect that the normalizer won't help in every case.

Right, a normalizer could be defined in the doctest itself instead and 
used instead of using conditionals; that's a good idea and shouldn't be 
hard for this kind of output.



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