[Zope3-dev] Re: Some thoughts on Zope 3, Zope 3 applications, and Zope 3 instances

whit d.w.morriss at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 11:15:41 EST 2007

<snip />
> As a non-developer observer, I'm +1 with Jim's discussion.  Martin, 
> you're right that developer influx should be the key goal, and that (a) 
> simpler entry points like Grok and (b) killer apps are the way to get to 
> that goal.

and I think things like grok are the natural progression from "drink our 
koolaid" to "use our koolaid mix and make your own".

> I don't think the killer app, though, should be the responsibility of 
> the Zope project.  More bluntly, I don't think it's fair to tell the 
> Zope 3 core team to do it: they are more interested in machinery, they 
> don't need to do it for their jobs, and are already giving us plenty. 
> Let's decrease the responsibilities of the core.
> (Note: 3 years ago I lobbied heavily for the Zope 3 to keep the TTW 
> dream alive, but my thinking was flawed.)

everything has it place, scope creep on perfectly good ideas causes the 

for example: the acceptance of the ZODB *would* benefit greatly from 
some type of database browser; such an application would not need to be 
a full blown application server.


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