[Zope3-dev] Re: faulty releases and pypi access [update]
Philipp von Weitershausen
philipp at weitershausen.de
Thu Sep 27 07:37:29 EDT 2007
On 27 Sep 2007, at 12:20 , Stephan Richter wrote:
> egg_info does not validate the trove classifiers, for example. I
> tried this
> last night before writing this mail.
Well, to be honest, I wonder how you can mess up with the
classifiers. I just always copy them from http://pypi.python.org/pypi?
%3Aaction=list_classifiers. Anything else is just insane...
But, if you wish for such a tool, let your wish be my command. With
the attached verifyclassifiers.py script, you may do so using the
following command:
python setup.py --classifiers | python verifyclassifiers.py
> If the the setup.py file has a syntax error, I will know about it
> when running buildout.
True, but running buildout can take a long time.
>> * You can generate an egg or a tarball locally, without uploading it.
>> Then you can take a look at the tarball or the egg. Unzip it if
>> necessary. Call
>> python setup.py egg_info inside the tarball, if necessary, to
>> see if all the
>> CHANGES.txt, README.txt etc. files are there as well, especially
>> when you know
>> you messed this part up before.
> Still does not solve my problem use case.
>> You could also easy_install the egg and/or tarball in a virtualenv
>> (so that your global site-packages won't be affected).
> I still do not see how this solves the problem.
They're measures for making sure the distribution has the right
metadata and is easy_install'able. What other problem do we have?
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