[Zope3-Users] List of principals

Florian Lindner mailinglists at xgm.de
Tue Dec 7 13:50:06 EST 2004

Stephan Richter schrieb:
> On Tuesday 07 December 2004 07:24, Florian Lindner wrote:
>>how can I get a complete list of principals which are valid in the
>>current context?
> You can't, at least not in the trunk. Sources are not iterable yet. Talk to 
> Jim, if you want to implement this functionality.

Mmmhhh. Of course I want to implement it, but my knowledge of Zope is 
still much too limited to do that. However I'll have a look at the 
PrinzipalSource and see...

And there is really no way to just get a list (which I can iterate 
through with a tal:repeat statement) of the valid users. Or at least the 
users of _one_ PrincipalSource?

Maybe calling the getPrincipals method of 
zope.app.security.interfaces.IAuthenticationService with some sort of 



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