[Zope3-Users] Customisation of addform

Florian Lindner mailinglists at xgm.de
Tue Nov 30 07:32:20 EST 2004

Roger Ineichen schrieb:
> Hi Florian
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Florian Lindner [mailto:mailinglists at xgm.de] 
>>Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 8:03 AM
>>To: dev at projekt01.ch; zope3-users at zope.org
>>Subject: Re: [Zope3-Users] Customisation of addform
>>Roger Ineichen schrieb:
>>>Hi Florian
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Florian Lindner [mailto:mailinglists at xgm.de] 
>>>>Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 10:05 AM
>>>>To: dev at projekt01.ch
>>>>Cc: zope3-users at zope.org
>>>>Subject: Re: [Zope3-Users] Customisation of addform
>>>>Roger Ineichen schrieb:
>>>>>>Is there a piece of code to see how the addform is being 
>>>>>>generated? So I can see which macros and skin it uses.
>>>>No, I think you missunderstood me.
>>>>The addform directive is creating the addform by using 
>>several macros 
>>>>and fill the slots in the macros. How do I know which macros 
>>>>and slots 
>>>>it is attempting to use?
>>>>>See zope.app.rotterdam.standardmacros.py
>>>>macro_pages = ('skin_macros', 'view_macros', 'dialog_macros', 
>>>>How does Zope knows which of these macro_pages to pick?
>>>Lookup in every macro page. Then a macro is registred as
>>>a view an theres no way to have to macros with the same name.
>>>So the Macros class can try till it's finds the macro in the 
>>>mapping like:
>>>class Macros(object):
>>>    implements(IItemMapping)
>>>    macro_pages = ()    
>>>    aliases = {
>>>        'view': 'page',
>>>        'dialog': 'page',
>>>        'addingdialog': 'page'
>>>        }
>>>    def __getitem__(self, key):
>>>        key = self.aliases.get(key, key)
>>>        context = self.context
>>>        request = self.request
>>>        for name in self.macro_pages:
>>>            page = getView(context, name, request)
>>>            try:
>>>                v = page[key]
>>>            except KeyError:
>>>                pass
>>>            else:
>>>                return v
>>>        raise KeyError, key
>>>See in zope.app.basicskin.standardmacros.py
>>Ok, that's clear now.
>>Whats still really puzzling me is this question:
>>The addform directive is creating the addform by using several macros
>>and fill the slots in the macros. How do I know which macros
>>and slots it is attempting to use?
>>For example: I want to create a customize a containerView. 
>>How do I know 
>>which macros it uses and which slots it fills?
> That's nearly impossible. Zope3 uses the contents.pt in containerViews
> for the contents.html view from the zope.app.container.browser folder.
> Belive me, theres no way to register another template for this directive.
> That's really hardcoded. Nobody fixed it till now. My ideea to let 
> us override metaconfigure registrations, wasn't accepted. This makes it 
> impossible to change templates which are declared as ViewPageTemplates
> in classes if such a class is used as a metadirective and registers Zope3
> stuff by the start process.
> What you can do is, copy another template.pt to the
> zope.app.container.browers.
> Like a patch. ;-(

No plans to change that in the future?

I think it would be better just to register a browser:page view with a 
supporting view class which lists the folder contents (tal:repeat).

> The addform template comes from zope/app/form/browser/add.pt.


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