[Zope3-Users] problem with adding a catalog
Michel Pelletier
michel at dialnetwork.com
Thu Apr 7 14:21:47 EDT 2005
On Thursday 07 April 2005 09:00 am, zope3-users-request at zope.org wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 18:35:00 +0200
> From: Adam Groszer <adamg at fw.hu>
> Subject: [Zope3-Users] problem with adding a catalog
> To: zope3-users <zope3-users at zope.org>
> Message-ID: <168514959.20050406183500 at fw.hu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I'm desperately trying to get Zemantic working on Win2K/Zope3 trunk.
> It is written in the doc of Zemantic that I have to create a Catalog
> utility first. Now I'm stuck.
Hi adam, sorry I don't check this list that often, for specific Zemantic
questions you should use the z3-zemantic at codespeak.net mailing list,
reachable from http://zemantic.org
> I always get:
> File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\zope\component\__init__.py", line
> 255, in getUtility
> raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
> ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.app.intid.interfaces.IIntIds>,
> '') - zope.manager [6/Apr/2005:18:28:10 +0200] "POST
> /++etc++site/default/ test_cat/addRegistration.html HTTP/1.1" 500 311
> "http://localhost:8080/++etc++si te/default/test_cat/addRegistration.html"
> "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5 .0; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050317
> Firefox/1.0.2"
> OR
> File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\zope\component\__init__.py", line
> 255, in getUtility
> raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
> ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.app.intid.interfaces.IIntIds>,
> '') - zope.manager [6/Apr/2005:18:16:34 +0200] "POST
> /++etc++site/default/ test_cat/+/AddFieldIndex%3D HTTP/1.1" 500 311
> "http://localhost:8080/++etc++site /default/test_cat/+/AddFieldIndex="
> "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en -US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050317
> Firefox/1.0.2"
> Am I doing something wrong?
I don't know, I think you might be using an older version of Zemantic that
confused the term "catalog" because at the time I wrote it there was no Zope
3 catalog and my brain was catalog centric. There might be some
unfortunately uses of the term catalog still in the docs. Paul has been
yelling at me to update those ;)
But now there *is* a Zope 3 catalog, and I have resolved my own confusions, so
it is important to make sure you don't use the term or verb "catalog" the
wrong way when you are referring to Zemantic. The correct term (and verb) is
"graph". Zemantic objects are graphs, when you modify a graph, you are
Next, the currently released versions of Zemantic work only on the Zope X3.0
release, *not* the Zope 3 trunk. I am working on a trunk version now, but my
priority right now is to help Dan get an rdflib 2.1 out the door, so it might
be a couple of weeks before I can land a 3.1 version of Zemantic, but I will
be landing one soon.
Last, the 3.1 version of Zemantic will work hand in hand with Zope 3 catalogs.
That might also be the source of your confusion if you read that somewhere
like on the zemantic list. How that happens is a discussion for the zemantic
list. See
Zemantic is changing fast, actually a more accurate way to put it is that
Zemantic is disapearing fast, Dan and I have been pushing many features from
Zemantic down into rdflib, so that the 3.1 version of Zemantic will just be
interfaces, skins and ZCML that "wrap" rdflib. All the components will come
from rdflib.
So I would advise waiting a bit (for 3.1), or diverting your energies into
helping devlop 3.1 with us, or steping back to Zope X3.0 and using a released
version of Zemantic (the most recent is, I belive, 0.6).
> --
> Best regards,
> Adam mailto:adamg at fw.hu
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