[Zope3-Users] Calling SQL Script in a ZPT

Nicolas Legault nicolasl at immocontrole.ca
Wed Apr 20 17:53:21 EDT 2005

So far I've succesfully execute an SQL script from a ZPT page with this

  <tal:div  tal:repeat="row container/sql_script">
    <h1 tal:content="string: ${row/column_one}, ${row/column_two}" />

Now I wan't to pass some arguments to the SQL script.

I've tried this example in ZPT found on
http://www.plope.com/Books/2_7Edition/RelationalDatabases.stx#1-8 i know
it's a zope 2.7 example...

  <tal:div  tal:repeat="row python: here.sql_script(limit=10)">

I've got an error : "here" is not defined.
I've tried with "container", "context"... always got an error.

Can someone tell me how to pass arguments to the SQL Script objects ?
Is there a documentation on this topic for X3 ?

Nicolas Legault

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