[Zope3-Users] write a product keeping the customization of the instances in mind

Christoph Frick frick at sc-networks.com
Tue Aug 16 06:29:49 EDT 2005

hi list,

i am still writing on my racerank software and i am currenlty adressing
the problems that revolve around the "customizeability". so i have quite
some questions i put together in one mail - maybe all of them can be
solved by reading the right URL - so feel free to push me in the right
direction with a nice RTFM ;)

a) i want my skin to be the default for certain views. this means i have
   a set of options i regulary use the ZMI views. but i want the page
   itself to be itself look like i want it too - thats why i defined a
   layer/skin "racerank" and moved e.g. my index.html into this layer.
   accessing the index.html now only works if i call it with
   ++skin++racerank - otherwise i get a 404; is there a way to use the
   set layer as default for the file? so no ++skin++... needed? or is a
   layer/skin the wrong approach at all for customizing views to users
   (not admin users)?

b) i want the users of the racerank product to be able to do easy
   customization of the views and their apprearence. i though about
   simply adding a css+logo as attributes to my main-interface and use
   this for manipulation that goes beyond my skin. but whats the best
   approach to allow the admin to change texts per instance? abuse the
   i18n for this? or allow annotation of my views with e.g. a

c) the whole product needs beside the visual customization by the admin
   also one piece of software - a script that handles the upload. for
   the old version of the software (zope2) we forced an external method
   with a certain name.

for b) and c) i simply thought about forcing the user to subclass my
implementation and simply do what they want - but of course it would be
nicer, if you dont have to be a developer to install the product (even
if you have at least to write a script that handles the upload).

TIA and
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