[Zope3-Users] Re: CSS-Style-Guide / looking for help

M.-A. DARCHE madarche at nuxeo.com
Fri Feb 11 04:27:55 EST 2005

Hello list,

Roger Ineichen wrote:
 > Hi together,
 > sorry for cross posting, but perhaps there are  some
 > CSS cracks on just one list.
 > We defently need a style guide for CSS in zope3.
 > Is somebody interessted to help writting a style guide?
 > The target whold be to use in all editforms, addforms and
 > other borwser pages/views allways the same CSS styles
 > for header, titles etc.
 > Right now we have different use of styles in pages/views.
 > This makes it realy hard to write a nice custom skin.
 > Are there some CSS crack's out there?
 > btw. you don't have to know z3 well.
 > I can provide you with information you need.
 > But first we have to define styles for all usecases
 > of header, title, subtitle combinations etc.
 > The first part is pure HTML/CSS work.
 > Whould be nice to have a CSS Style Guide somewhere
 > in a proposal or documentation section on:
 > Any help whould be great!

First, I'm sorry to break this thread because I've just subscribed to
the zope3 mailing lists, and thus couldn't do a simple "Reply" on this

For CPS3 we already have a CSS Style Guide that will be put online
tomorrow. It couldn't be published before, as some parts had still to
be translated into English.

I would be glad to write this Zope3 CSS Style Guide using the CPS3
guide as a base.

I'll post again tomorrow when the CSS Style Guide for CPS3 is online.


Marc-Aurèle DARCHE
NUXEO (Paris, France)                          http://nuxeo.com
Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server              http://www.nuxeo.com/cps
Gestion de contenu web / portail collaboratif / groupware / open source

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