[Zope3-Users] Anyone had any success with ZCatalog in Zope 3?

Johan Carlsson johanc at easypublisher.com
Wed Nov 23 10:14:38 EST 2005

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Johan Carlsson wrote:
>> Anyone had any success with ZCatalog in Zope 3?
> Sure. I'm not sure what the problem is but I see you get a lot of 
> replies. We (Infrae) certainly got it working without having to patch 
> anything.
> Um, the setup code we use it something like:
> def _registerUtility(context, class_, interface, name=u''):
>     if not name:
>         cname = class_.__name__
>     else:
>         cname = name
>     if name and name in context:
>         raise ValueError, u'Utility %s already registered!' % name
>     utility = class_()
>     context[cname] = utility
>     registration = UtilityRegistration(name, interface, utility)
>     key = context.registrationManager.addRegistration(registration)
>     zapi.traverse(context.registrationManager, key).status =  ActiveStatus
>     return utility
> in setup code...
>     from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
>     from zope.app.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
>     from zope.app.intid import IntIds
>     from zope.app.catalog.catalog import Catalog
>     _registerUtility(default, IntIds, IIntIds)
>     _registerUtility(default, Catalog, ICatalog, u'my_catalog')
> and then to make indexes registered, something like:
>     from zope.app import zapi
>     from zope.app.catalog.field import FieldIndex
>     catalog = zapi.getUtility(ICatalog, u'my_catalog')
>     catalog['something'] = FieldIndex('something', ISomeInterface)
> _registerUtility is rather messy but it works..

Thanks Martijn,
 From a quick glans at your code the notisable difference is
that I don't call zapi.getUtility(ICatalog, u'my_catalog') to get the
catalog, that just might do the trick. (I jsut grab the catalog from the 
container: c['catalog'].
I'll let you know when I get a chance to test it.

Does you code for adding catalogs and adding fields get called
in the same request?
Mine does, it gets called right after each other, and I'm thinking
in the lines of that there is something that doesn't get setup in
the correct order, which is why I think getUtility might work better.

> Anyway, once you do get the catalog working, you may want to check out 
> hurry.query, which makes querying the Zope 3 catalog a lot easier (in my 
> opinion):
> http://codespeak.net/svn/z3/hurry/trunk

I'll check it out :-)


Johan Carlsson          Tel: + 46 8 31 24 94
Colliberty              Mob: + 46 70 558 25 24
Torsgatan 72            Email: johanc at easypublisher.com

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