[Zope3-Users] IPluggableAuthentication -- 'new style' authentication problem

Tom Dossis td at yoma.com.au
Thu Oct 13 19:01:13 EDT 2005

Christian Lueck wrote:
> Note: Since I don't know how to get into a site's context with the
> debugger (zopectl debug) ...

Hi Christian, here's some code to get the root object of a zope3/zeo site...

 >>> from ZODB import DB
 >>> from ZEO.ClientStorage import ClientStorage
 >>> from zope.app.debug import Debugger
 >>> zeohost = 'localhost'
 >>> zeoport = 8131
 >>> sitezcml = 'etc/site.zcml'
 >>> db = DB(ClientStorage((zeohost,zeoport)))
 >>> root = Debugger(db, sitezcml).root()
 >>> root
<zope.app.folder.folder.Folder object at 0x411f04ac>
 >>> list(root)
 >>> site = root['td']

If you make changes to objects via the python interactive session and 
want to see them from your browser...

 >>> import transaction
 >>> transaction.commit()

For a non-zeo zope3 site, it's simply..

 >>> db = 'var/Data.fs'
 >>> sitezcml = 'etc/site.zcml'
 >>> root = Debugger(db, sitezcml).root()

Note: The above references to the db and sitezcml are relative to your 
instance. And of course don't forget to include zope and your stuff in 

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