[Zope3-Users] Re: Compound Form Elements
Duncan McGreggor
duncan.mcgreggor at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 15:30:52 EDT 2005
On Oct 21, 2005, at 12:16 PM, James Allwyn wrote:
> Following Christian's tweaks to the browser.py file (creating a
> CustomSequenceWidget), I've got this working well in isolation - I can
> add a ContactData object on its own no problem.
> However, I've hit a brick wall about how to use the ContactData item
> as a form element within another schema (say, IPerson). I've tried to
> access it with variations upon:
> contact_data = Tuple(
> title = u'Contact Details',
> value_type = Object(
> schema=IContactDatum,
> title=u'Contact Datum'))
To me, this or List() are the only ones that make any sense... Here's
One of the things you're doing with this interface is implicitly
telling z3 how you want this field to be displayed (because, by
default, it makes that decision based on the field "type". With a
List(), etc., you get the sub-schema displayed and then the option to
"add *" or "removed checked" -- an auto-generated multi-widget.
It it's not a standard field type, z3's not going to know what do do
with it, and I think you'd have to use the "<widget>" sub-config in
your zcml to tell it explicitly what widget to use when building
add/edit forms.
> and invoking the browser class for the add view in the configure.zcml
> for the User:
> class=".contactdata.browser.ContactDataAddView"
> In effect, this method doesn't use ContactData at all, it replicates
> its functionality out of a Tuple of ContactDatum objects in the
> IPerson itself. But what I want to do is be able to put a ContactData
> element into IPerson and have it 'just work', in the same way I can
> for, say, TextLine, or Bool.
Hmm, we'll need some more details here... what do you mean by "just
work"? In what context? Add/edit? Final rendering? If the later, I
believe you will need to add your view class that processes the list so
that ZPT can handle it with "repeat" (at least, that's what I would
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