[Zope3-Users] formlib problem
Stéphane Brault
stephane_brault at yahoo.fr
Wed Apr 19 11:18:08 EDT 2006
Hi Jim,
the Items object is my object, linked to my items, table which implements the IItems interface I use for my form:
from neteven.interfaces.items import IItems
from zope.formlib import form
class ItemsForm(form.EditForm):
form_fields = form.Fields(IItems)
form_fields = form_fields.omit('dateLastUpdate')
Items is defined this way:
from zope.interface import implements
from sqlobject import *
from sqlos import SQLOS
from neteven.interfaces.items import IItems
class Items(SQLOS):
class sqlmeta:
table = 'items'
When I add this zcml declaration :
title="Edit a Item"
everything works fine from the ZMI (I created simple containers to test that).
My JSON server side code is:
def getItemEdit(self, itemId):
item = Items.get(itemId) #a sqlos function to get an Item instance from the table given its Id
return ItemsForm(item, self.request)()
The fact is I don't use any page template right now ( though I might do this later to have a nice GUI).
----- Message d'origine ----
De : Jim Washington <jwashin at vt.edu>
À : Stéphane Brault <stephane_brault at yahoo.fr>
Cc : zope3-users at zope.org
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 19 Avril 2006, 5h01mn 09s
Objet : Re: Re : [Zope3-Users] formlib problem
Stéphane Brault wrote:
> Hi again,
> sorry to be a bore ;-)
> I keep on trying to use formlib, I no longer have a problem of adapters for my fields but I get this error:
> 2006-04-19T16:13:32 ERROR root C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\publisher\publish.py line 138 in publish
> => 'result = publication.callObject(request, object)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\app\publication\zopepublication.py line 161 in callObject
> => 'return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\publisher\publish.py line 113 in mapply
> => 'return debug_call(object, args)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\publisher\publish.py line 119 in debug_call
> => 'return object(*args)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> c:\ZopeInst\lib\python\neteven\database\items.py line 43 in getItemEdit
> => 'return ItemsForm(item, self.request).render()'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\formlib\form.py line 733 in render
> => 'self.form_result = self.template()'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\app\pagetemplate\viewpagetemplatefile.py line 83 in __call__
> => 'return self.im_func(im_self, *args, **kw)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\app\pagetemplate\viewpagetemplatefile.py line 51 in __call__
> => "sourceAnnotations=getattr(debug_flags, 'sourceAnnotations', 0),"
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\pagetemplate\pagetemplate.py line 117 in pt_render
> => 'strictinsert=0, sourceAnnotations=sourceAnnotations)()'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 277 in __call__
> => 'self.interpret(self.program)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 352 in interpret
> => 'handlers[opcode](self, args)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceCla
> ss zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 878 in do_defineMacro
> => 'self.interpret(macro)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 352 in interpret
> => 'handlers[opcode](self, args)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 926 in do_extendMacro
> => 'definingName, extending)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 908 in do_useMacro
> => 'self.interpret(macro)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 352 in interpret
> => 'handlers[opcode](self, args)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 538 in do_optTag_tal
> => 'self.do_optTag(stuff)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 523 in do_optTag
> => 'return self.no_tag(start, program)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 518 in no_tag
> => 'self.interpret(program)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 352 in interpret
> => 'handlers[opcode](self, args)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 976 in do_defineSlot
> => 'self.interpret(block)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 352 in interpret
> => 'handlers[opcode](self, args)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tal\talinterpreter.py line 625 in do_insertText_tal
> => 'text = self.engine.evaluateText(stuff[0])'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\app\pagetemplate\engine.py line 101 in evaluateText
> => 'text = self.evaluate(expr)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tales\tales.py line 696 in evaluate
> => 'return expression(self)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tales\expressions.py line 249 in __call__
> => 'v = var(econtext)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tales\expressions.py line 205 in __call__
> => 'return self._eval(econtext)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\tales\expressions.py line 199 in _eval
> => 'return ob()'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\app\pagetemplate\talesapi.py line 73 in title_or_name
> => "return getattr(self, 'title', '') or zapi.name(self.context)"
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\app\traversing\api.py line 149 in getName
> => 'return IPhysicallyLocatable(obj).getName()'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\interface\interface.py line 682 in __call__
> => 'raise TypeError("Could not adapt", obj, self)'
> ** exceptions.TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Items at 0x3d7ce30>, <InterfaceClass zope.app.traversing.interfaces.IPhysicallyLocatable>)
> - - [19/Apr/2006:16:13:32 +0200] "POST /netevenTest/test/neteven.Accounts.1/ HTTP/1.1" 200 163 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr-FR; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050919 Firefox/1.0.7"
> It seems that retrieving my object from code doesn't give me an address for it, which would cause the problem with IPhysicallyLocatable (my uninformed guess).
> Is there a way to solve the problem, knowing that my object is retrieved through sqlos, and thus has no true address ? There might be something else but being
> quite new to zope 3 (and enjoying it, thanks to you all guys), I can't figure it out.
Maybe these questions will help.
What is an Items object?
Why are you calling a page template that needs title_or_name with an
Items object as the context?
-Jim Washington
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