[Zope3-Users] Re: Blobs in Z3 anyone?

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Thu Apr 20 03:54:32 EDT 2006

On Apr 20, 2006, at 3:54 AM, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

> Chris McDonough wrote:
>> Actually, "stream iterator" support is independent of blobs.
> Right. Also, dealing with long-living requests or dribbling data piece
> by piece is substantially something different than streaming large  
> data
> to the user agent without holding application resources forever.  
> I'm not
> sure Zope 2 actually differentiates between those two.

It indeed does.  The former is implemented as RESPONSE.write, the  
latter is implemented as returning something implementing  
IStreamIterator to the publisher.

>> There was some talk a while back about Zope 3 implementing some  
>> form of
>> "IResult" interface that allowed for streaming.  I'm not sure  
>> where that
>> ended up, though.  I seem to remember Jim checking something in.
> Yes, there is support for streaming large data without holding
> application resources. What you do is write the data to a (temp) 
> file and
> return the file object. The zope.publisher will know what to do. The
> "IResult" interface was made private and nowadays just an  
> implementation
> detail.

Right, now I remember.  Thanks.

- C

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