[Zope3-Users] building Zope3 on Solaris 10

Kamal Gill kamal.gill at adaptivewave.com
Tue Apr 25 02:37:53 EDT 2006

Hi Damon,

I'm not sure if this will help, but here's my build notes from the  
Zope 3.2.1 OS X Installer (with OSX-specific details removed)...


- Download Python 2.4.3 at http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4.3/ 

- Download Zope 3.2.1 at http://www.zope.org/Products/Zope3/3.2.1

- Create directory /opt/Zope-3.2.1

- Compile Python...

   ./configure --prefix=/opt/Zope-3.2.1/Python-2.4.3 --with-readline
   sudo make install

- Compile Zope...

   ./configure --prefix=/opt/Zope-3.2.1 --with-python=/opt/Zope-3.2.1/ 
Python-2.4.3/bin/python --force
   sudo make install

- Create Zope instance

   sudo /opt/Zope-3.2.1/bin/mkzopeinstance --dir=/opt/Zope-3.2.1/ 
Instance --user=admin:$PASSWORD --password-manager=SHA1


My approach places all libraries and dependencies in one folder,  
allowing users who need to uninstall Zope 3.2.1 to simply delete a  
single folder.

There are a few more steps the installer's postinstall script takes  
care of, such as generating a random password for mkzopeinstance,  
adding the instance, adding an unprivileged OS X user account, adding  
a symbolic link (alias) that points from /Applications/Zope-3.2.1 to / 
opt/Zope-3.2.1, and setting the effective user to the unprivileged  
account (in etc/zdaemon.conf).  See the OS X installer's postinstall  
script inside the installer metapackage for details.


I'm going to eventually place my build notes at zope.org, but I'm  
going to wait until at least a few users report that my installer  
works (--which it does, at least on my 10.4 PPC box).


Kamal Gill - kamal.gill at adaptivewave.com
Content Management Made Simple

On Apr 24, 2006, at 5:17 PM, Damon Register wrote:

> I have been struggling to build Zope 3.2.1 on Solaris 10
> but so far am not having any luck.  I read on the Zope
> site "Zope 3 requires that Python 2.4.2 or newer".
> I have successfully downloaded and installed the latest
> Python 2.4.3.
> I tried ./configure and got
> Configuring Zope installation
> Testing for an acceptable Python interpreter...
> Python version 2.4.3 found at /usr/sfw/bin/python
> Python version 2.4.3 found at /usr/sfw/bin/python2.4
> No suitable Python version found. You should install
> Python version 2.4.2 before continuing. Versions
> 2.4.1 also work, but not as optimally.
> I tried with the python switch
> ./configure --with-python /usr/sfw/bin/python
> and there were no errors but when I tried to make it
> bash-3.00# gmake
> /usr/sfw/bin/python install.py -q build
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "install.py", line 28, in ?
>     context.initialize()
>   File "/src/Zope-3.2.1/Support/zpkgsetup/setup.py", line 121, in  
> initialize
>     self.scan(depname, pkgdir, reldir)
>   File "/src/Zope-3.2.1/Support/zpkgsetup/setup.py", line 211, in scan
>     self.scan_package(name, directory, reldir)
>   File "/src/Zope-3.2.1/Support/zpkgsetup/setup.py", line 245, in  
> scan_package
>     self.scan_package(
>   File "/src/Zope-3.2.1/Support/zpkgsetup/setup.py", line 225, in  
> scan_package
>     pkginfo = package.loadPackageInfo(name, directory, reldir)
>   File "/src/Zope-3.2.1/Support/zpkgsetup/package.py", line 101, in  
> loadPackageInfo
>     pkginfo = read_package_info(directory, reldir)
>   File "/src/Zope-3.2.1/Support/zpkgsetup/package.py", line 166, in  
> read_package_info
>     data_files[:] = expand_globs(directory, reldir, data_files)
>   File "/src/Zope-3.2.1/Support/zpkgsetup/package.py", line 303, in  
> expand_globs
>     raise ValueError(
> ValueError: filename pattern '*-configure.zcml' doesn't match any  
> files
> gmake: *** [build] Error 1
> I saw one thread "Can't build Zope on OS X" where the poster had a
> similar problem but no solution was offered there.  Has anyone built
> Zope 3.2.1 on Solaris 10 or can anyone offer a suggested solution?
> I don't fully understand the code but I guess it is searching for
> files that match *-configure.zcml and I see that such files do
> exist in various places in the project tree.
> Damon Register
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