[Zope3-Users] Security Roles and custom authenticators and
scarcely-persistent apps (HELP!)
Bernd Dorn
zope-mailinglist at mopa.at
Thu Apr 27 00:24:59 EDT 2006
On 27.04.2006, at 02:44, Jeff Shell wrote:
> So I spent the day writing an IAuthenticator utility that loads
> principals out of an RDBMS (via a SQLAlchemy mapper based model). I
> got that working. All I want right now is to have my site,
> 'presenters', have view access restricted to the role
> 'app.Presenters'.
> The site is persistent and the authenticator is a local utility. I set
> up the site on load to disallow the 'zope.View' and
> 'zope.app.dublincore.view' (not really needed, I guess, since I'm not
> using dublin core anywhere) for the 'zope.Anonymous' role, and allow
> it for 'app.Presenters' and 'zope.Manager'. It's just a simple /
> blanket security policy, I know. But something similar has been in
> place on the Zope 2 based version of this app for a number of years
> now and has worked fine for this use case.
> But.. I have no idea how to do this in Zope 3 land. It took me all day
> to write my authenticator, At the end of the day I saw it working in
> so far as it obviously retrieved a user record out of the database,
> validated the password, and returned a dirt simple principal object. I
> could tell this by the login form giving me a different message this
> time ("you're not allowed to do that operation"). I tried looking at
> the Principal-Role map and... I don't understand it.
just plug your own implementation in
<adapter factory=".your.security.RoleMapImplementation"
just for granting local roles on the site it's inough to implement
> def getRolesForPrincipal(principal_id):
> """Get the roles granted to a principal.
> Return the list of (role id, setting) assigned or removed from
> this principal.
> If no roles have been assigned to
> this principal, then the empty list is returned.
> """
but you have to set your authenticator somewhere, so that you can see
if the principal is from your authenticator by comparing ids
an example from an appllication which i wrote, it assigns roles to
_marker = object()
class HomeFolderPrincipalRoleMap(object):
"""Mappings between principals and roles."""
def __init__(self,context):
authName = self.context.__parent__.__parent__.authenticator
if authName:
auth = getUtility(IAuthenticatorPlugin,authName)
authPrefix = auth.principalIdPrefix
self._prefix = auth.__parent__.prefix+authPrefix
self._prefix = _marker
def getPrincipalsForRole(self,role_id):
raise NotImplementedError
def getSetting(self,role_id, principal_id):
raise NotImplementedError
def getPrincipalsAndRoles(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def getRolesForPrincipal(self,principal_id):
"""Get the roles granted to a principal.
Return the list of (role id, setting) assigned or removed from
this principal.
If no roles have been assigned to
this principal, then the empty list is returned.
if self._prefix == _marker:
return []
if not principal_id.startswith(self._prefix):
return []
name = principal_id[len(self._prefix):]
if name == self.context.__name__:
return [('fhvao.HomeFolderOwner',Allow)]
return []
> It's very
> annotations oriented (the default implementation storing data in some
> internal table-like structure). I, obviously, don't have annotations
> going on right now. The hard thing is that I can't even figure out at
> first glance what the different security manager adapters
> (PrincipalRole, RolePermission, etc) are meant to adapt - a principal?
> an object? a site? I'm not sure how much of the interface I have to
> provide, what I should have it adapt (my Site object, I'm guessing?),
> and so on.
> All I want to say is "every user returned from this authenticator has
> the view access for this site".
> I'm not sure which of these I have to fill in. I'm not wanting to
> assign every principal coming out of the RDBMS a role mapped in the
> ZODB - so do I have to straddle both ZODB and RDBMS worlds here?
> "Mappings between principals and roles" - where? A local object?
> Globally? Do the answers have to include all answers from higher up
> the tree if there's anything? Global settings? Am I looking at the
> wrong thing?
> class IPrincipalRoleMap(Interface):
> """Mappings between principals and roles."""
> def getPrincipalsForRole(role_id):
> """Get the principals that have been granted a role.
> Return the list of (principal id, setting) who have been
> assigned or
> removed from a role.
> If no principals have been assigned this role,
> then the empty list is returned.
> """
> def getRolesForPrincipal(principal_id):
> """Get the roles granted to a principal.
> Return the list of (role id, setting) assigned or removed from
> this principal.
> If no roles have been assigned to
> this principal, then the empty list is returned.
> """
> def getSetting(role_id, principal_id):
> """Return the setting for this principal, role combination
> """
> def getPrincipalsAndRoles():
> """Get all settings.
> Return all the principal/role combinations along with the
> setting for each combination as a sequence of tuples with the
> role id, principal id, and setting, in that order.
> """
> --
> Jeff Shell
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