[Zope3-Users] Container base classes

Jachin Rupe jachin at voltzsoftware.com
Thu Apr 27 10:04:52 EDT 2006

On Apr 27, 2006, at 12:24 AM, Bernd Dorn wrote:

> On 26.04.2006, at 21:16, Jachin Rupe wrote:
>> hi there
>> I am new to Zope.  I have been spending the last several days  
>> reading everything I can find on Zope.  So far a lot of the larger  
>> examples I've seen use zope.app.container.btree.BTreeContainer any  
>> time it is necessary to hold a bunch of other objects.  Yet when I  
>> looked at the documentation for BTreeContainer it says that I  
>> probably shouldn't be using it and should be doing something else.
> hm, where did you read that?


> i use BTreeContainer all the time as a base class of my containers  
> and never had any problem

Thanks, that's good to know.  I guess I was mostly wondering if there  
were any other useful implementations of IContainer that I should be  
aware of.

After I asked this question it occurred to me that the zope API may  
hold the answer if I looked at the IContainer interface page.  Sure  
enough there was a nice list of all the classes that implement the  
interface.  Nothing on that list jumped out at me as particularly  
useful but I may not know what I'm looking for.  In any case I now  
have several implementations of IConainer to look at if I get a  
hankeren to.


>> Assuming I know enough now to start working on a "real" project,  
>> should I be sticking with the stuff in the "persistent" package?   
>> Are there other persistent objects hiding somewhere else in the  
>> API I should be aware of?
>> thanks
>> -jachin
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