[Zope3-Users] error headache: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (3 given)

Jachin Rupe jachin at voltzsoftware.com
Thu Apr 27 17:30:44 EDT 2006

hi there

Ah... right you are... I just discovered some of that for my self  
after a little more careful reading of the "Adding Views" chapter of  
"The Zope 3 Developers Book".  Thanks for the link, I'll read that too.


On Apr 27, 2006, at 4:00 PM, Bernd Dorn wrote:

> On 27.04.2006, at 22:49, Jachin Rupe wrote:
>> hi there
>> Thanks for the reply.  Removing the class attribute from the page  
>> directive got rid of the error.  However I'm not overriding the  
>> VinePackage class.
>> class VinePackage(BTreeContainer):
>> 	implements(IVinePackage)
>> 	title = u""
> ups, you are on the wrong track
> the VinePackage class is your content class, the page directive  
> requires a view class if given any, if you don't provide one it is  
> created on the fly
> a view is a multiadapter for the interface you declared in the page  
> directive and the request to a publishable object
> take a look here:
> http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ComponentArchitecture/ 
> Zope3Book/componentviews.html
>> Since it is inheriting from BTreeContainer, perhaps that overrides  
>> the constructor?  I'll look into it and if I find an answer before  
>> someone else offers one I'll post it.
>> -jachin
>> On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:35 PM, Bernd Dorn wrote:
>>> did you override the constructor in vine.vinePackage.VinePackage  
>>> or one of its superclasses?
>>> iv yes, then you need
>>> def __init__(self,context,request):
>>>     ...
>>> as constructor, you can test it by just removing the class  
>>> attribute of your page directive
>>> On 27.04.2006, at 21:08, Jachin Rupe wrote:
>>>> hi there
>>>> I've got an error I've been stuck on for several hours now and I  
>>>> know the problem has got to be a very simple one but the error  
>>>> message I'm getting is not helping.  I'm just trying to create a  
>>>> view for a very simple object.  Here's the error I'm getting:
>>>> 2006-04-27T13:58:09 ERROR SiteError http://localhost:8080/ 
>>>> VinePackage/@@details.html
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/publisher/ 
>>>> publish.py", line 135, in publish
>>>>     object = request.traverse(object)
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/publisher/ 
>>>> browser.py", line 500, in traverse
>>>>     ob = super(BrowserRequest, self).traverse(object)
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/publisher/ 
>>>> http.py", line 451, in traverse
>>>>     ob = super(HTTPRequest, self).traverse(object)
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/publisher/ 
>>>> base.py", line 289, in traverse
>>>>     subobject = publication.traverseName(
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/publication/ 
>>>> publicationtraverse.py", line 46, in traverseName
>>>>     ob2 = namespaceLookup(ns, nm, ob, request)
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/traversing/ 
>>>> namespace.py", line 121, in namespaceLookup
>>>>     return traverser.traverse(name, ())
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/app/traversing/ 
>>>> namespace.py", line 363, in traverse
>>>>     name=name)
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/component/ 
>>>> __init__.py", line 165, in queryMultiAdapter
>>>>     return sitemanager.queryMultiAdapter(objects, interface,  
>>>> name, default)
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/component/ 
>>>> site.py", line 75, in queryMultiAdapter
>>>>     default)
>>>>   File "/usr/local/Zope-3.2.1/lib/python/zope/interface/ 
>>>> adapter.py", line 475, in queryMultiAdapter
>>>>     return factory(*objects)
>>>> TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (3 given)
>>>> None of code I have written is in that trace so I have no idea  
>>>> where the problem is.  Everything else I try to do with the  
>>>> object I'm trying to create a new view for works so I'm assuming  
>>>> the problem is in the ZCML for the view:
>>>> <page
>>>> 	name="details.html"
>>>> 	for="vine.interfaces.IVinePackage"
>>>> 	class="vine.vinePackage.VinePackage"
>>>> 	template="vinePackage.pt"
>>>> 	permission="zope.Public"
>>>> 	menu="zmi_views"
>>>> 	title="Preview"
>>>> />
>>>> The only other file I can think of that might be the cause of  
>>>> the problem is vinePackage.pt   I took out all of the parts that  
>>>> refer to the Content Object in case the problem was there so I  
>>>> removed stuff until it was just a static html page and I was  
>>>> still getting the error.  As far as I can tell I'm following the  
>>>> message board example in the Zope book pretty closely.  If  
>>>> anyone has any suggestions on where I should look for the  
>>>> problem I would really appreciate it.
>>>> thanks
>>>> -jachin
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