[Zope3-Users] How To Solve in Zope 3

Gary Poster gary at zope.com
Fri Feb 3 21:55:27 EST 2006

On Feb 3, 2006, at 9:32 PM, matt wilbert wrote:

> I have exactly the same situation, as I am writing a network  
> management tool.  I am using one big container and a local catalog.  
> Then you can slice and dice as best suits you.  I also think it is  
> more extensible if you ever think you might add new object types.
> There is also the relationships stuff in Schooltool.  I haven't  
> needed it yet, but I was thinking it might be useful.

That's GPL, if that makes a difference to you, and designed for  
intrinsic relationships.  There's also

- zc.relationship, which is ZPL, relatively simple in concept,  
designed for extrinsic relationships between persistent objects, and  
pretty flexible;

- zope.agxassociation, which is ZPL, relatively simple in concept,  
and designed for intrinsic relationships;

- zemantic, which is extrinsic, RDF-based, and designed for the full  
flexibility of RDF;

- Jean-Marc Orliaguet's relationship code, which is based on  
extrinsic triadic relationships, GPL, and used for CPSSkins;

- Helmut Merz's relationship code (http://svn.cy55.de/viewcvs/Zope3/ 

- and more, I bet!




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