[Zope3-Users] Re: redirects in a formlib EditForm

Joel Moxley jfmoxley at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 11:01:13 EST 2006

> > ** What is the best way to use a formlib EditForm to redirect a user
> > after applying changes without fully cloning a "handle_edit_action"
> > method? **
> >
> I'm doing it this way :
>     def render(self):
>         if self.errors is None or self.errors:
>             return super(EditPerson, self).render()
>         self.request.response.redirect('..')
> Jürgen

Thanks Jürgen!  That works perfectly for me.

Looking one step forward, I would like to redirect the user back to
the previous page from whence they came (without using sessions).  I
figure I am going to need to stash that value on my EditForm class and
then pull it up during the redirect in my render method.  I've done my
best to explore this, but I can't figure out where the previous page
information will be available on my EditForm.

** Where should I stash previous page information for future redirects
on my EditForm? **


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