[Zope3-Users] Re: How to render PageTemplate manually?

Pawel Lewicki lewicki at provider.pl
Thu Jan 5 07:25:11 EST 2006

Łukasz Łakomy napisał(a):
> Hi all
> My use case:
> Create content type 'Portlet' that could have TAL as its content and when
> watched in browser TAL should be redered. My code is below.
> class PortletView:
>     def renderText(self):
>         portlet = IPortlet(self.context)
>         format = portlet.format
>         if format in ('HTML', 'Plain'):
>             return portlet.getText()
>         elif format == 'Structured':
>             struct = structurize(portlet.getText())
>             doc = DocumentWithImages()(struct)
>             output = HTMLWithImages()(doc, level=1)
>             return output
>         elif format == 'Page Template':
>             page_template = PageTemplate()
>             page_template.write(portlet.getText())
>             output = page_template()
>             return output
> But there is a problem. When I define a variable in template and call it its
> ok. But I cannot call 'context' variable (for example <div
> tal:content="context/title"/>). This is my traceback.
> Traceback (most recent call last):

Apply the snippet to your needs (provide proper 'context', etc.). 
Powodzenia ;)
If anyone knows simpler solution please share.


from TAL.TALInterpreter import TALInterpreter
from Products.PageTemplates.Expressions import getEngine
from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate import PageTemplate
from cStringIO import StringIO

data = {
         'test':       'Testing text',
t1='<h1 tal:content="test"></h1>'
context = getEngine().getContext(data)
buffer = StringIO()
pt = PageTemplate()
TALInterpreter(pt._v_program, pt._v_macros, context, buffer)()
macro = buffer.getvalue()
print macro

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