[Zope3-Users] How to render PageTemplate manually?

Jean-Marc Orliaguet jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Thu Jan 5 08:28:42 EST 2006

Stephan Richter wrote:

>On Wednesday 04 January 2006 07:55, Łukasz Łakomy wrote:
>>Create content type 'Portlet' that could have TAL as its content and when
>>watched in browser TAL should be redered. My code is below.
>You really should not call this a portlet. A portlet is very well defined by 
>JSR 168. Note that the Zope community -- specifically CMF and Plone -- have 
>misused the term for a long time.
this is very developer-specific.
people started using "telephones" before phone companies agreed on a 
common standard I guess.

PS: note that "viewlets" are known outside the Zope3 world as being 
small tutorial movies:

I wonder why "portlets" are called "viewlets" in Zope3.


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