[Zope3-Users] URL Traversal/SelectedManagementView

David Johnson djohnson at jsatech.com
Mon Jan 16 20:31:00 EST 2006

Good evening.


I want to create an instance of a class that does not reside in the Zope DB,
and yet manage it through the ZMI.


That is what I have done so far.  I created a package called "customers",
which has an instance in the Zope DB.  It has a view which lists all
customers from an RDBMS. It creates a link for each customer with the
customer ID embedded in it.


I would like to create, on the fly, a customer instance from the customer ID
in the URL.  Based upon the ID I could set all the attributes of the
instance by loading it from a database. 


Anyone have ideas on the best way to do this?  What should the URL be? How
does the class get instantiated and be provided with the customer ID?
Should I put the customer ID in the URL path?  Should I pass it to some
other instance in query string (such as "customer?cid=123")? 


I might be a little confused on my terminology.  



David Johnson

djohnson at jsatech.com

201 Main Street Suite 1320

Fort Worth, TX 76102

(877) 572-8324 x2200


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