[Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Capacities

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Fri Jan 20 01:27:16 EST 2006

--On 19. Januar 2006 21:00:15 +0100 Andreas Jung <lists at andreas-jung.com> 

> --On 19. Januar 2006 13:54:55 -0600 David Johnson <djohnson at jsatech.com>
> wrote:
>> We're looking at 10-100 billion tx per year stored and performed.
> This would be 31-310 tx/second...forget the ZODB :-)

It's even worser (due to a calculation error): 10 billion would mean 310 
tx/second but 100 billion would mean 3100 tx/second...you should look for 
something _bigger_.

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