[Zope3-Users] Re: Zope 3 Capacities

David Johnson djohnson at jsatech.com
Mon Jan 23 10:20:24 EST 2006

So what is the largest ZODB (in terms of persistent objects contained in
it)?  Does anyone have any metrics?






From: zope3-users-bounces at zope.org [mailto:zope3-users-bounces at zope.org] On
Behalf Of matt wilbert
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:21 AM
To: Jeff Rush
Cc: zope3-users at zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Zope 3 Capacities


It probably won't meet their needs either, but the latest version of
DirectoryStorage is supposed to be compatible with Zope3.
It might mitigate the startup time and index memory consumption issues
somewhat, especially if they can use reiserfs. 



On 1/22/06, Jeff Rush < jeff at taupro.com <mailto:jeff at taupro.com> > wrote:

David Johnson wrote:
> In general we're looking at using an RDBMS, but we're trying to 
> get a better feeling of when we can use the ZODB and when we
> should stick to the RDBMS.
> We have various datasets:
>    1. Transactions: 10-100 billion objects
>    2. Users: 10-100 million objects 
>    3. Contacts: 100,000 objects
>    4. Customers: 100-1000 objects

I see other good replies but one factor you must keep in mind for ZODB is
that it keeps the index of all objects in memory.  With 100 billion 
transaction objects, you're going to need a LOT of RAM and have a large

I've always wondered why ZODB didn't offer an option of storing the object
index in a BTREE, but I guess its the performance issue of potential 
additional disk accesses.


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