[Zope3-Users] Hook into edit-form post

Siddhartha Azad sid_docs at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 9 13:05:47 EDT 2006

I have the following lines in my configure.zcml to add
a content object "SidPage":

	menu="zmi_views" title="Edit a SidPage"

When I click on an existing "SidPage" on the ZMI, it
takes me to a form where I have Refresh or Change, and
since a SidPage is Persistent, it saves the value into

My question is, what if I wanna do some intermediate
processing onto the values for ISidPage attribs that
the user entered into the form, before saving them? Is
there a way to provide a python class or a ZPT as a
hook when the actual post on these auto-generated
forms is done?

Thanks, Sid.

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