[Zope3-Users] Internationalization, Widgets, and Currency

Tom Dossis td at yoma.com.au
Tue May 9 01:37:25 EDT 2006

David Johnson wrote:
> I am trying to implement a currency input using a Float widget.  
> However, the widget is populated with a strange character, and when 
> saving the data that strange character causes problems. I do not see a 
> Currency widget.  What is the proper internationalization technique in 
> regards to currency and widgets?
> If I just use the float widget without the locale, the numbers are 
> displayed without the trailing zeros that are standard, although it 
> otherwise works fine.  For example, US $1.20 is displayed as 1.2. 

You could try a customised FloatWidget (or TextWidget) to allow you to 
control the display and input value formats, a e.g.

   class CurrencyWidget(TextWidget):

       def _toFieldValue(self, input):
               return float(input) # convert to currency object
           except ValueError, v:
               raise ConversionError(_("Invalid currency format .."), v)

       def _getFormValue(self):
           currency = super(CurrencyWidget, self)._getFormValue()
           if currency:
               return '$0.2f' % currency # display currency

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