[Zope3-Users] Calling PageTemplate in Content object

David Johnson djohnson at jsatech.com
Wed May 24 12:31:29 EDT 2006

I'm trying to call a page template in a content object, but nothing
seems to happen. No exceptions, no output, and no errors. I figure I'm
missing something. Anyone have ideas?

from zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplatefile import PageTemplateFile

class OrderView:

   def city(self):
       return 'Fort Worth'

class ProcessStep(StepFactory):


    orderform = PageTemplateFile('orderform.pt')

    def message(self,request):
       return self.orderform(self,order=OrderView())

My City Is:
<div tal:replace="order/city"/>

>>> step.message(request)
*** Note how nothing is returned - no exceptions and no output.  

Thanks in advance.

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