[Zope3-Users] need help on skins

Denis Shaposhnikov dsh at vlink.ru
Wed Sep 6 07:32:45 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Albertas" == Albertas Agejevas <alga at pov.lt> writes:

 >> behaviour in Zope3? The simplest way as I see is use different
 >> skins? But how to dynamically change the skin to user's type?

 Albertas> You can set the skin in a handler to BeforeTraverseEvent.
 Albertas> You can find an example of such a subscriber at the bottom
 Albertas> of
 Albertas> http://source.schooltool.org/trac/browser/trunk/schooltool/src/schooltool/app/browser/skin.py

Oh, thanks a lot!

Could somebody explain me how to find such information by myself. The
my main problem with Zope3 is that I don't known how Zope is working
as whole. I mean, what happend and where. I know about ++apidoc++ but
it seems no so usefull.

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