[Zope3-Users] Re: Using dotted package names

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Sat Sep 23 16:14:41 EDT 2006

George Lee wrote:
>>> What is the purpose of using the dotted name?
>> Short answer: package namespaces.
>> Long answer: Say you're creating a widget library. You could call your 
>> package simply "widget". But then if I create a widget library and 
>> called it "widget", too, we'd have a conflict and couldn't use them at 
>> the same time. That's why you call your package "george.widget" and I'll 
>> call my package "philikon.widget". Makes sense?
> Yup, thanks. Would philikon.a and philikon.b be able to share anything back and
> forth each other, in a deeper way than packages just named a and b?

That entirely depends on how independent you want to keep philikon.a 
from philikon.b. But that question also arises when having just a and b.

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