[Zope3-Users] zpt pages though ZMI

Hassan Alirezaei hassan at isi.imi.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Mon Sep 25 07:01:01 EDT 2006

> In my own skin I'm using 
> <span tal:replace="request/principal/title">User</span>
> with no problem for either zcml principals nor pau principals.
Thanks Darryl, I got it working. <span> did the trick!

I remember I ran into this problem before as well, but that was about 
<div> and <span>.  I remember when I used

<div tal:replace="structure views/view_name"></div>

it didn't work but when changed to:

<span tal:replace="structure views/view_name"></span>

it worked all fine.  BUT WHY ????

are these differences in tal documented somewhere? I would be glad if I 
knew them before-hand.

anyway, Thanks to Darryl, I am happy again now!


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