[Zope3-Users] Unit test problem - ImportError

Nordmann Arne arne.nordmann at uni-dortmund.de
Thu Sep 28 05:18:55 EDT 2006

Hi guys,


after reinstalling a zope server on a debian system (debian, python 2.4,
zope3.2) testing fails.



"python2.4 bin/test -vpu package"

out of the zope instance folder, I'm getting the following traceback:

"Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "bin/test", line 31, in ?

    from zope.app.tests import test

ImportError: cannot import name test"


I looked at /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/ and there _is_ a
directory "tests" with following content:






That seems to be a directory _with tests_, not a package _for testing_.

There is another directory "testing". Is that the correct package for
unit testing? Perhaps a version conflict with upgrading python to
version 2.4?


I don't really want to mess around with bin/test without understanding
the code and the problem with line 31. Does anyone of you know that
problem or have an idea how to solve it?


Thanks for very hint.,



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