[Zope3-Users] Re: catalog of objects' states (hurry.workflow)

Dominique Lederer lederer.dominique at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 04:37:15 EDT 2007

Alek Kowalczyk schrieb:
> Hello again,
> I have a rather big tree of MyObjects. MyObjects are adaptable to
> hurry.workflow's IWorklowState. Now I'd like to create a catalog to index all
> MyObjects by their current states. How to do that? 
> An option might be(?) to add to MyObject property like that:
> @property
> def currentState(self): return IWorkflowState(self).getState()
> and index this property. 
> But I'm not sure whether it is elegant solution, as it requires the object to
> know that it has workflow and (too) strong link between object and adapter.
> I'll appreciate any suggestions how to index workflow states cleanly and not in
> too complictated way...
> Regards!

i use the @property solution, because i got into troubles with annotations and 
the catalog. see the unanswered post 

cheers Dominique

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