[Zope3-Users] xmlrpc access with PAU
C. H.
c at kikazi.com
Fri Aug 17 21:46:13 EDT 2007
I'm having difficulty accessing zope 3 objects using xmlrpc in my
application, so
I've gone back into the 22auth example of Phillip von Weitershausen's
excellent book and
made some simple modifications to elucidate my question in a simple
which I describe here:
created a zope 3 instance
created a site named wcsite
created a folder named rfolder
created a recipe named r1
created a recipe named r2
configured a PAU (at the wcsite level)
"No Challenge if Authenticated"
"Session Credentials"
created a Principal Folder named users
Access using a browser works fine. If I attempt to access an object
that an unauthenticated
user has no access to, I'm presented with a login page and after
logging in, I acquire and retain access
until I logout. That's good.
I modified Phillip's example python code worldcookery/xmlrpc/
recipe.py to authenticate using
a user=u1 and password=p1 (or so I think, hence my problem). That
program is shown below.
To test:
First, in a browser I log in a manager and I edit the wcsite roles
and permissions to grant the Site Manager role to All Users.
then run
displayandedit.py http://sasa.local:8080/wcsite/rfolder/r1
This works fine, so I'm able to locate and access and edit the recipe
Next, (using a browser and logged in as the site manager)
I edit the wcsite roles and permissions to UNSET the Site Manager
role to All Users and
grant the "Visitor of the WorldCookery website" role to All Users.
Further, I edit wcsite/rfolder/r1 to grant the Site Manager role to
user u1
So, the user r1 can read everything on the site but can only edit
Now, I rerun displayandedit.py http://sasa.local:8080/wcsite/rfolder/r1
and get an Unauthorized error:
xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for sasa.local:8080/wcsite/
rfolder/r1: 401 Unauthorized>
It is my belief that I should be able to provide xmlrpc access to the
r1 user in the recipe.py code
but I can't figure out how. Can someone peruse the code below and
suggest to me the
appropriate technique? The edit method is the one that I modified to
attempt to provide access.
Thanks in advance.
=================Sample worldcookery/xmlrpc/recipe.py==================
import time
import xmlrpclib
from zope.schema import getFields
from zope.dublincore.interfaces import IZopeDublinCore
from zope.app.publisher.xmlrpc import XMLRPCView
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.app.security.interfaces import IAuthentication
from zope.app.authentication.interfaces import IPluggableAuthentication
from worldcookery.interfaces import IRecipe
def to_unicode(string):
if isinstance(string, unicode):
return string
return string.decode('utf-8')
class RecipeView(XMLRPCView):
def info(self):
return dict((field, getattr(self.context, field))
for field in getFields(IRecipe)
if field not in ('__parent__', '__name__'))
def dublincore_info(self):
dc = IZopeDublinCore(self.context)
info = dict((field, getattr(dc, field))
for field in getFields(IZopeDublinCore))
for name in ('effective', 'created', 'expires', 'modified'):
if info[name]:
epochtime = time.mktime(info[name].timetuple())
info[name] = xmlrpclib.DateTime(epochtime)
info[name] = ''
return info
def edit(self, info, user, password):
edit_return = ""
pau = getUtility(IAuthentication)
# make sure there is an authentication utility
if not IPluggableAuthentication.providedBy(pau):
edit_return = "# ERROR: No Pluggable Authentication
Utility instance."
return edit_return
edit_return = "\n" + "# found a Pluggable
Authentication Utility instace named " + pau.__name__
# get the authenticator plugin and authenticate credentials
for name, plugin in pau.getAuthenticatorPlugins():
auth_creds = plugin.authenticateCredentials({'login':
user, 'password': password})
edit_return = edit_return + "\n# authenticated user:"
+ auth_creds.login + " title:" + auth_creds.title
context = self.context
context.name = to_unicode(info['name'])
context.ingredients = \
[to_unicode(ingr) for ingr in info['ingredients']]
context.tools = [to_unicode(tool) for tool in info['tools']]
context.time_to_cook = info['time_to_cook']
context.description = to_unicode(info['description'])
edit_return = edit_return + "\n" + "# Object updated
return edit_return
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