[Zope3-Users] buildout and egg depedencies

Christophe Combelles ccomb at free.fr
Tue Dec 11 13:37:33 EST 2007

Jim Fulton a écrit :
>> issues, but again I find myself fighting against my natural instincts.
>> Where's some end user documentation?
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout
> http://us.pycon.org/common/talkdata/PyCon2007/116/buildout.pdf

I've started learning buildout 3 weeks ago and I've found this document (the 
latter) extremely useful, because it is not a low-level reference but rather a 
30000-feets view with opinions, some examples, some ideas, and it explains the 
'why' and the 'when'. It has helped me understanding buildout quickly, to the 
point of using it for production on small projects. And I'm now saving lots of 
time installing preview and final versions.
Temporarily switching final eggs to develop-eggs to quickly fix some bug is 
another interesting idea suggested by this document and it will eventually help 
improving zope because it makes it so easy to test and commit even a minor issue 
in a particular environment, without interfering with anything else.
Btw, I've started a translation of this tutorial, and I was suddenly wondering 
what was its license? (I didn't find a mention)


>> The doc-test is difficult to read
>> and speaks in generics, not about day-to-day problems.
> Everyone's a critic.
> ...
>> That I'm still frustrated by these tools all this time later is
>> disappointing.
> Yes. I'm disappointed that you're frustrated. Thanks for sharing.  I 
> find this post inspires me to want to take the day off to write better 
> tutorials.
> ...
>> I've gotten Buildout to work on some small components. It's great -
>> check out the source, run buildout, wait, wait, wait, and then have a
>> nice little self contained testing and development environment. But
>> I've never been able to get a full Zope 3 "Application" up and running
>> in that environment.
> Lots of people have.   I expect that there are a number of examples.  
> One example is the zc.z3monitor buildout, 
> svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zc.z3monitor/trunk.  This buildouts out a 
> working ZEO server and a minimal Zope 3 application that uses it. Others 
> might be able to suggest better examples,
> Jim
> -- 
> Jim Fulton
> Zope Corporation
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