[Zope3-Users] Still a skinning problem

David Johnson djohnson at jsatech.com
Wed Feb 7 08:01:39 EST 2007

I'm not sure if you're familiar with viewlets, but that might be a  
solution for you here also.

On Feb 6, 2007, at 8:05 PM, Florian Lindner wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 6. Februar 2007 11:43 schrieb Mohsen Moeeni:
>> Until the gurus find time to jump in with `the right` solution...
>> On 2/5/07, Florian Lindner <mailinglists at xgm.de> wrote:
>>> The line in the template.pt:
>>> <a tal:attributes="href context/@@index.html/ 
>>> @@absolute_url">home</a>
>>> works fine as long as context is an IXGM, because index.html is
>>> registered for IXGM. But if a view from the IBlog is called is it  
>>> also
>>> rendered in the template.pt but context now is a IBlog which does  
>>> not
>>> have an index.html (or at leat not the one I want) and therefore  
>>> fails.
>> Your template *assumes* the context will always have
>> an `index.html` view. So it can not be used for a
>> context that doesn't have it.
> I know that's the problem.
>> At any rate, context
>> is not the best object you can use to link to home.
>> It's better to use site root for that purpose. Something
>> like:
>> <a tal:attributes="href view/siteroot/@@index.html/ 
>> @@absolute_url">home</a>
>> Where you find site root using zope3 APIs in view code and
>> assign it to siteroot.
> Now there is still the problem that I need a view class that  
> implements
> siteroot for every view that uses template.pt.
> Or can I use a view class for the template itself? (tried but did  
> not work).
> Any other idea or do I don't really understand you?
> Thanks,
> Florian
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