[Zope3-Users] Can't rename objects

David Johnson djohnson at jsatech.com
Thu Jan 18 09:31:16 EST 2007

> But I want to choose names for certain kind of objects. It works  
> when I'm not
> implementing IContainerNamesContainer.
As before see my previous post, but I'll paste it here:

1. Since I have a custom container that is derived from IContainer,  
it is already configured as a IContainerNamesContainer, and if I  
override chooseName() and checkName(), I get the desired effect of  
choosing my own names.
2. I did not adapt my container to IContainerNamesContainer, and so  
Rename is now enabled.  This I do not understand, but it works.
3. I put a custom template in the browser:addform directive.  The  
template was a copy of the zope.app.form.browser.add template, but I  
edited out the "Object Name" field.

I have the desired effect. All seems to work very well.

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