[Zope3-Users] Using RAMCache

Bernd Dorn bernd.dorn at lovelysystems.com
Tue Jul 3 17:19:45 EDT 2007

On 03.07.2007, at 13:47, Dominique Lederer wrote:

> hi
> i would like to cache the results of method in a view, and thougt,  
> that RAMCache
> could be of use here.
> After spending a lot of time searching for some documentation or  
> examples, i
> came to this:
> from zope.app.cache.ram import RAMCache
> cache = RAMCache()
> query = cache.query('test',key={'x':1})
> if query == None:
> 	result = expensive_stuff_method()
>   	cache.set(result, 'test', key={'x':1})
> 	return result
> else:
> 	return query
> but that won´t work, the cache looses it´s entry, if i call the  
> browser-view again.
> any hints?
> thanks, Dominique

for a direct usage of ramcache (not as utility) you can instantiate  
one in your module, as an example see


(forget about the ulimit stuff there)

note that if you have zeo with multiple zope instances the cache is  
not shared across instances, if you have such a setop, a good option  
is lovely.memcached


distributions are on http://download.zope.org/distribution/

regards, bernd

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